Give Helpful Feedback–SoTelling Guidelines

When giving feedback and suggestions, please consider these guidelines 😊
Above all, please remember that creators are here to learn and improve. So please provide honest and meaningful feedback and ideas – in a positive and friendly way - that encourages engagement and interaction. Just like you’d want someone to review your work.
To best help creators,
  1. Help them achieve their goals, not goals you think are appropriate for them.
  2. Critique their work, not them.
  3. Keep it positive and encouraging😊.
  4. Be realistic, as false praise is unhelpful.
  5. Be specific and clarify your points with context and examples, as vague statements such as “Good job.” aren’t as helpful.
  6. Offer new perspectives so they can further develop their skills and reach their goals.
  7. Consider how your feedback will be received by the them.
  8. And PLEASE review everything before posting it.
Nervous? First time?
We know giving feedback may feel challenging at first. No worries! It quickly becomes easy. And it quickly gets you thinking in new ways which help you improve your own work! So go for it!
Unsure what to say?
  • Begin with a compliment. And add another compliment for each area of improvement you suggest.
    • “I like how you left the background in focus. And as a fellow photographer, I know this isn’t easy. However I’ve read that photographs with blurred backgrounds attract more agents.”
  • Mention disconnects between the creator’s goal and your takeaway of their work.
    • “Your mentioned that your goal is to sell your music at country music festivals, but your song seems more intended to rock and rollers. Have you thought about this?”
  • Offer new ideas.
    • “You’re clearly good at recording TV and radio commercials, so have you thought about recording corporate narration training videos and documentaries? There’s much more work of this type.”
  • Offer new perspectives.
    • “Since you’re striving to sell water color paintings, it may make sense to have an example of this at the beginning of your portfolio, rather than the animation that’s there now.”
  • Discuss elements that the creator could consider.
    • “Your use of color is super creative. My suggestion is to put that same thought into the lighting and shadowing, because to me, they seem less contemplated.”
When replying to someone who gave you feedback If you understand/agree with their feedback, then please thank them for helping you develop your talent. And consider ‘paying-it-forward’ by reviewing their work.

If you don’t understand their feedback, then please thank them for taking time to review your work, and let them know you’re confused by their comments and would be grateful for clarification so you can learn. If you disagree with their feedback, consider their comments from their perspective; they may not be aware of your experience level, they may be unfamiliar with your work, they may not have any context, and they may not know your goal. If you still disagree, then please thank them for taking time to review your work, and politely let them know why you feel otherwise, and welcome any additional comments they may have.
Thank you for helping others,
and for making SoTelling a Safe & Supportive community